In Italy, Cultural Heritage is a cornerstone of national identity, preserving traces of the past and providing tangible evidence of the country’s history and development over the centuries. The importance of preserving and promoting these assets is underlined by national projects such as the Strategic Plan for Cultural and Landscape Heritage, which was launched in 2019. This plan aims to preserve and promote the country’s artistic and architectural heritage through targeted investment and restoration work. In addition, initiatives such as I Luoghi del Cuore, promoted by the Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI), involve the community in the selection of the most important sites to be preserved. This initiative has its roots in 2003 and continues to promote a sense of active participation in the protection of cultural heritage. The importance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage has also been highlighted in the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), approved in 2021. This plan provides for major investments in the digitization and valorization of cultural heritage, with the aim of improving access to and fruition of cultural assets through new technologies. Among the various initiatives, there are plans to strengthen digital infrastructures in museums and archaeological sites, create online platforms for the dissemination of cultural content, and promote innovative projects that use digital technologies to preserve and disseminate Italy’s cultural heritage.
In the context of heritage protection and digitization, we provide advanced 3D surveying services through the application of geomatics techniques, including the use of terrestrial laser scanners, GNSS surveys, UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry and UAV lidar. Our expertise is aimed at actively supporting the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage, helping to preserve the richness and diversity of the historical heritage.

Below are the historical buildings that have been surveyed:
- Farnese Castle (PC): 2021/2022 – Potree Viewer
- Ricci Oddi Gallery of Modern Art (PC): 2023 – Potree Viewer

If you want to know more, read our pubblications on this topic:
Fascia, R., Barbieri, F., Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., and Pinto, L.: FROM 3D SURVEY TO DIGITAL REALITY OF A COMPLEX ARCHITECTURE: A DIGITAL WORKFLOW FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE PROMOTION, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 2024, XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 205–212,
Gaspari, F.; Barbieri, F.; Fascia, R.; Ioli, F.; Pinto, L. An Open-Source Web Platform for 3D Documentation and Storytelling of Hidden Cultural Heritage. Heritage 2024, 7, 517-536.
Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Rivieri, C., Dondi, M., and Pinto, L.: REDISCOVERING CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES BY INTERACTIVE 3D EXPLORATION: A PRACTICAL REVIEW OF OPEN-SOURCE WEBGL TOOLS, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 2023, XLVIII-M-2-2023, 661–668,