Gathering in the wonderful Florence at the CIPA 2023 Symposium to explore and learn more about innovative and inspiring ways to digitally document and promote cultural heritage site through geomatics-based approches.
In June the diverse community of researchers, gematicians, professionals and site managers interested in documenting, understanding and preserving cultural heritage gathered in Florence for the 29th edition of the CIPA Symposium. The conference that took place in the framework of the Università di Firenze from June 25th to 30th saw the participation of interdisciplinary teams and research groups interested in investigating recent developments and advances in the field of CH digital 3D documentation, Virtual, Augmented and Extended Reality, built heritage monitoring and communication.
During the event, our member Federica Gaspari had the possibility of not only attending thought-provoking sessions but also presenting the work of the research group on the evaluation of interactive WebGL-based solutions for digital storytelling of hidden CH sites with a presentation entitled “Rediscovering Cultural Heritage sites by interactive 3D exploration: a practical review of open-source WebGL tools“. It was an exceptional opportunity to showcase the activities and research conducted in the context of the 3D survey and digital documentation of the Ancient Farnese Castle – now Polo di Mantenimento Pesante Nord – located in the city of Piacenza.
The full paper with all details on the project and its developments is available online on The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences and can be downloaded at the following link:

The conference represent a great opportunity for our group to exchange ideas with esteemed professionals, and gain insights into design and implementation of 3D interactive platforms, understanding the current state of art and the new research trend in the field of Cultural Heritage… and visiting the beautiful Florence for some days!
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the CIPA Conference organizers and to the enthusiast volunteers for crafting such an interesting event, another great achievement of the UNIFI LabGeco team after the fruitful contributions to last year State of the Map and FOSS4G.